site Everything: Top meditation tip

Friday, June 21, 2019

Top meditation tip

-Practice daily
-Make a commitment you can keep.Even if it's five min..every day.Consistency is for more important than intensity...
Note:-you must saty with it ona a daily basis to actualize the halistic experience that it delivers. -Focus on breathing
-Start with an intention to focus on the breath,but don't worry too much about this result.
-Start by focusing on the breath-deep slow, This kind of breathing slows.down one's heart rate,puts you in a relaxed state,and fosases the mind.
-Start small
-start very small-just two min..
-You can start with very short sessions initially.staying for as little as for 3-5 begin.
-start with two or three a time and work your way up. You can add a min..each day,or even a min..each week!
Note:-our 21st century minds easily distracted and we have a disadvantage keeping the mind centered on one thing..

Expect to think
-Know that your mind will have a lot of thoughts popping in and out.
-So many beginners have a difficult time quieting their minds to meditate.Know that this is very normal...
Note:-Take three deep breaths (inheling and holding for a few seconds into your bely)then exhale).Do this anytime you still find your thoughts distracting...
-Get comfortable
-let your body determine how you sit.
-If sitting hurts your back sit on a cushion or a chair or whatever helps you.
-Choose a position that makes you comfortable.
Note:-I recommend investing in a good meditation cushion to sit on.If you don't have one,a pillow works nicely.
-Pick your space
-It's about using virtuals to experience what is scared.
-Try to be consistent with that same location.
-Select a quiet place and make sure that you will not be disturbed during your meditation.
Benefits of meditation-
-Reduces stress/Anxiety
-Increases focus
-More clarity
-Fights impulses
-Redirect bad habits
-Calms the mind
-Energy controller
-Snooze better
-Ignite your creativity
-Recognize intuition
-Turn inward for enlightenment
-Connect with self
-Feel less lonely
-Mindful living

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